Areas of the Game Attacking Defending Transition Set Plays Goalkeeping

FUNSTIX - Lesson 2

THEMES: FMS: start, stop, skip, pace and direction changes, jumping, hopping, agility, balance, basic stance, pivots,

TECHNICAL: turning the stick, ‘checking’ the ball, hesitation dribble, changing direction, TACTICAL; Using open space while running with the ball

Activity 1

i) 6 minutes   Players are scattered in a large area that provides lots of open space. Following instructor’s commands, players move in different directions (forward, back, left, right) using the following movement skills: skip, jump, hop, side steps -do not use running for this activity). At various intervals, when the instructor calls out “pivot” the players assume the basic stance and pivot 360’ in one direction and then the other.  The players must avoid running into other players. Gradually make the space smaller.

Activity 2

i)  6 minutes Crazy Go Carts:  *  Each player has a ball and a stick and are positioned well apart in a scattered formation. The ball represents the wheels of a car and the stick is the steering wheel. While keeping the ball on their stick, players dribble the ball in a variety of directions to avoid running into the other players. Instructors should encourage the use of pivots and turns. Gradually make the space smaller and vary the footwork pattern that players use while carrying the ball.

Activity 3

i) 5 minutes Flipping Flapjacks   In a semi circle, have the players place their sticks down on the ground in front of them with the handle of the stick facing the player. With the left hand, have the players turn the stick over and back so that they can observe the stick movement required for hockey.

ii) 3 minutes The players hold their sticks out in front, away from body and at waist height in the left hand with the proper grip. Players turn their stick all the way over to the left and right by turning their left wrist. Repeat 10 times. This will be difficult for most to achieve so look for quality not quantity.

iii) 5 minutes  Burning Flapjacks  Players place their sticks on the ground, with the flat side down in scattered formation and well spread out. Using small side steps players run around their own stick, (changing direction on instructor’s command), jump forward and backwards over their stick; hop forwards and backwards over their sticks, 5 times with each foot. Several times during these activities, the instructor calls Burning Pancakes; players pick up their stick using correct grip and turn it over and back 10 times.

Activity 4

i)  4 minutes. ‘Checking’ The Ball’  Each player with a ball, players are scattered in a semi-circle in front of the instructor. Instructor demonstrates how to move the ball forward and back (by contacting at 6 and 12). Players place the ball to the right of their body and practice moving the ball forward and then ‘checking’ the forward momentum of the ball by placing the stick at 12 o’clock. Instructor must ensure that the left wrist is turning to the left and back to the right in order to make contact at 12.

ii)) 8 minutes Traffic Lights Players line up along a line and move forward with the ball (contact point, 6); when the instructor calls out “yellow light”, players ‘check the ball at 12, but keep their feet moving; when instructor calls out “green light,” players continue going forward; when instructor calls out “red light”, the players stop their forward motion, turn a complete counter clockwise circle with the ball and continue moving forward. Repeat 2 times over a 15 yard distance.

ii) 8 minutes Crossing the River   *  3 players (alligators) are positioned randomly in the middle of a 20 yard square; these players have to keep one foot stationary but can move by reaching and extending the other part so their bodies. The other players are trying to cross the river and get to the other side without being captured by the alligators. If the alligator touches a player, that player becomes an alligator. Players who get to the other side continue to try and cross the river without being caught. Play until all players are caught. Instructors must encourage players to find open space and if they face an alligator they should turn around and find another route.

iii) 8 minutes  Play Crossing the River again, with 3 new ‘alligators’ only the players now have to dribble the ball across to the other side.




JUMPING: Teaching and Learning Feedback Cues: bend knees and elbows before take off, move arms high and back before jumping, swing arms forward and up as fast as possible when leaving the ground, hold arms high while in the air, bend knees after take off, land on the balls of the feet, bend knees and keep body weight forward when landing.

HOPPING:  keep the leg that is off of the ground bent, lean forward, move arms forward, stay on balls of feet, toes, use arms for balance, land lightly, reach for sky when you hop.

SKIPPING:  is a series of step hops done with alternate feet. Teach skipping by having learners step then hop on the same foot and then step and hop on the other foot swing arms to shoulder height in opposition with the feet, skip on the balls of the feet, keep movements smooth, speed and distance are not important, transfer weight from one foot to the other while doing the hop, step-hop, swing arms smoothly.

STOPPING: lean opposite the direction of travel, stay low and balanced, bend the knees.

PIVOT: one foot is in contact with the ground with the knee of that leg bent; the weight is on the ball of the foot. The other leg is bent with the weight on the ball of the foot and moves in a circle so that the body rotates around the support leg. Players should be able to pivot forwards or backwards, in both directions.


STANDARD GRIP: Place the stick vertically out in front of body and lay it on the ground with the flat side of stick facing down, Reach over to pick up the stick at the top of the handle with the left hand only using a handshake grip. This should cause a “V” shape to be formed with the thumb and remaining fingers once the hand is wrapped around the stick. Reach for the shaft of the stick midway down and loosely grips the stick. This looseness allows for the left hand to be able to turn the stick quickly and in more control.  Left hand is known as the “control” hand while the right hand “guides” the stick through movement. Knees are bent; feet are staggered (left foot forward, right foot back slightly). Stick head rests on the ground in front and slightly to the right of the body.

TURNING THE STICK AND CHECKING THE BALL: without changing the grip, he left wrist begins to turn over (counterclockwise, or away from the body) moving the head of the stick over the top ball to have the flat side of the stick coming in contact at 12 o’clock to stop and protect the ball. Once the ball is in control, the stick is moved back behind the ball (to 6 0’clock) and movement can begin. Ball comes to a stop but players try and maintain their momentum going forward (the player  should not stop running and then start up again but rather slow down as the ball’s momentum is stopped and accelerate with the ball to get it going again).


 Players move with the ball to areas in which there are no other players. Instructors should encourage players to look up while running with the ball. This is to easier to accomplish while using the Tap Dribble.


LTAD Stage Fundamentals Learning to Train Training to Train Training to Compete Training to Win
Core Skills Passing and Receiving Scoring Individual Defence Ball Control Off- Ball Movement Team Defence
Influencers Using Space/Time Vision Controlling Speed/Tempo Understanding/Taking Risk Communication

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