Areas of the Game Attacking Defending Transition Set Plays Goalkeeping

FUNSTIX - Lesson 5

THEMES    FMS jumping, hopping, high knees, butt kick, cross steps (karaoke), twisting, pivots, turning, throwing, catching

TECHNICAL: Ball Control; Passing and receiving square passes.

TACTICAL:  When to pass square, where to move to receive square passes

THEMES    FMS jumping, hopping, high knees, butt kick, cross steps (karaoke), twisting, pivots, turning, throwing, catching

TECHNICAL: Ball Control; Passing and receiving square passes.

TACTICAL:  When to pass square, where to move to receive square passes

Activity 1

i)   5 minutes  Look in the Mirror:  Holding their sticks in two hands with the correct grip, players are in a scattered formation (at least 5 yards between each player) facing the instructor; On the instructors command, the players perform the following activities while mirroring the instructor’s actions moving forward, backwards, left and right. All footwork should be done with quick feet (feet kept close together) and feet should be kept close to the ground with the body weight low: running, sliding, skipping, shuffle steps, cross steps (karaoke steps) pivots, turning, running while twisting the upper body to the right.

ii) 3 minutes ‘Sticky Feet’ Each player places their stick on the ground, at least 5 yards away from other sticks. Players are instructed to move around and over their sticks using a variety of different jumping, hopping, and leaping movements; in order to get the players to move their feet quickly they should pretend that they have gum on their shoes and they don’t want to get glued to the ground.

Activity 2

 i) 8 minutes    Passing and Receiving Left and Right  In  pairs of equal ability, side by side 5 yards apart, players move down the field (20 yards) rolling the ball back and forth, with their feet always facing forwards. Following the technical descriptions, the instructor provides appropriate feedback so that players learn how to effectively position their bodies to pass and receive square passes. Players should rotate positions so that they get to practice passing and receiving to and from both sides.

ii) 10 minutes Repeat with sticks and one ball between each pair.

iii) 8minutes   Caterpillar Cones   10 cones are placed in a line 10 yards apart in 2 rows (10 yards apart) down the length of the field. A goal is situated at the end of the rows of cones. In pairs, players are lined up, one line behind each row of cones (no more than 4 players per line) Players pass from cone to cone demonstrating correct passing and receiving technique and attempt to score a goal when they get to the last cone. The next pair begins when the pair in front has passed 3 cones. Repeat 4 times making sure that players regularly switch sides.

Caterpillar Cones

Activity 3

i)  8 minutes   3 v 3 Side by Side.    *   Play this game first with playground balls or bean bags. The players are divided into two teams of   3 players of equal ability. The game is played in a 30 by 20 yd area with identified end lines.  A1 (the player with the ball) can take 3 steps with the ball in any direction and then must pass. The D team cannot challenge the player with the ball. A1 can pass in any direction but can only score points if square (lateral) passes are completed. No passes above shoulder level can be made. One point is awarded each time the player with the ball makes a square pass. Each player keeps their own score. The game begins with the A team in possession of the ball at the centre line. The ‘D’ team players must stay an arm’s length away from A1.  If the D team intercepts any pass, they get possession of the ball. Whenever a team crosses the endline, the game begins again at centre with the other team having possession. MAKE THIS ACTIVITY HARDER  for the A team: make the playing area narrower; eliminate A1 mobility MAKE THIS GAME HARDER for the D team; make the playing area wider; put no restriction on A1 mobility.

ii) 8 minutes    3 v 3 Side by Side.    *   Play this game with hockey balls and sticks.



HOPPING:  keep the leg that is off of the ground bent, lean forward, move arms forward, stay on balls of feet, toes, use arms for balance, land lightly, reach for sky when you hop. 

JUMPING: bend knees and elbows before take off, move arms high and back before jumping,  swing arms forward and up as fast as possible when leaving the ground, hold arms high while in the air, bend knees after take off, land on the balls of the feet, bend knees and keep body weight forward when landing.

SKIPPING:  a series of step hops done with alternate feet. Teach skipping by having learners step and then  hop on the same foot and then step and hop on the other foot swing arms to shoulder height in opposition with the feet, skip on the balls of the feet, keep movements smooth, speed and distance  are not important, transfer weight from one foot to the other while doing the hop, step-hop, swing smoothly.

CROSS STEPS (karaoke): Also known as Grapevine Steps; the body moves sideways while the trailing leg crosses in front and then behind the leading leg. For field hockey purposes, players should focus on moving with the trailing leg always crossing in front of the leading leg and should be able to perform with the left leg leading or the right leg leading. The feet should stay to the ground with the weight on the balls f the feet and the knees slightly bent.

PIVOT: one foot is in contact with the ground with the knee of that leg bent; the weight is on the ball of the foot. The other leg is bent with the weight on the ball of the foot and moves in a circle so that the body rotates around the support leg. Players should be able to pivot forwards or backwards, in both directions.

HIGH KNEES: Players run on the balls of their feet flexing their hips and bending their knees so that their knees come to hip level. This dynamic stretching activity can be made more difficult with upper twisting. It is also helpful to have the players hold their sticks in front of them, with extended arms, at waist level, and attempt to contact the stick with their knees.

BUTT KICKS; with the weight on the balls of their feet and leaning slightly forward, players bend their knees and try and make contact with their backsides. Players’ arms should be bent at the elbows and move alternately with the legs.

CATCHING : (to make catching easier, increase the size of the ball)

Arms relaxed at the sides with forearms in front of the body; players should reach for the ball, place their hands on the sides of the ball, arms should be bent as players bring the ball towards their chest, watching the ball right into their hands. Encourage players to take a step back and bring their elbows towards their chest to help absorb the force of the ball.

OVERHAND THROWING (to make throwing easier, decrease the size of the ball)

The non - throwing side faces the target; swing the throwing arm out to the side and backwards bringing the arm with the ball behind the ear, keeping the elbow out; twist the body towards the arm that is holding the ball, keep the other arm raised for balance; extend the throwing arm forward and point the thumb towards the ground while stepping  forward with the weight on the foot that is closer to the target; twist the body toward that leg as the ball is released

TECHNICAL: Passing and Receiving to the Right and Left:

Passing to the Left: Standard grip; ball is in front of the right foot, feet are facing in the direction of travel; stick is in contact with the ball at the 3 o’clock position. The right hand and arm cross the body and propel the ball to the left.

Passing to the Right: Standard grip;  The body assumes the basic stance position with the upper body twisting to the right; the left shoulder, left elbow, and the feet face forward in the direction of travel; the stick is positioned to the right of the back (right)foot with the flat side of the stick facing right. The ball is in contact with the stick at the 9 o’clock position.  The arms extend to the right towards the target. Body weight must remain low.

Receiving from the Right:  Standard grip;  The body assumes the basic stance with the upper body twisting to the right; the left shoulder, left elbow, and the feet face forward in the direction of travel; the stick is positioned to the right of the back (right)foot with the flat side of the stick facing right. The players watches the ball contact the stick and at the point of contact (9 o’clock) the knees bend, right elbow bends, the right hand loosens, in order to absorb the impact of the ball. The ball is then moved forward to the straight dribble position. 

Receiving from the Left: Feet facing forward, right foot forward, straight dribble position, the player lets the ball come across their body and receives it at the 3 o’clock position on the right side (outside) and just ahead of the right foot.

TACTICAL:  When to Pass Square (laterally, sideways), Where to move to receive square passes;

Novice players have a tendency to always pass forwards in games. Learning when to use square passes or when to move to the side of the ball carrier to receive a square pass is an important tactical concept for players. When playing the 3 v3 Side by Side game, players are rewarded with more points if they make square passes. Instructors need to encourage the players to pass sideways and move to spaces beside the ball carrier so that players are in a position to receive theses passes. Understanding this concept will eventually lead players to understand that square passes create space for through, or forward passes.


LTAD Stage Fundamentals Learning to Train Training to Train Training to Compete Training to Win
Core Skills Passing and Receiving Scoring Individual Defence Ball Control Off- Ball Movement Team Defence
Influencers Using Space/Time Vision Controlling Speed/Tempo Understanding/Taking Risk Communication

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