Areas of the Game Attacking Defending Transition Set Plays Goalkeeping

FUNSTIX - Lesson 8

FMS: jogging, skipping, side steps,  cross steps,  quick changes of direction, high knees with trunk twists, shuffle steps

TECHNICAL Reverse Stick Dribbling; Straight and Tap Dribble Review

TACTICAL;  Zone  Defence- Protecting Dangerous Space

FMS: jogging, skipping, side steps,  cross steps,  quick changes of direction, high knees with trunk twists, shuffle steps

TECHNICAL Reverse Stick Dribbling; Straight and Tap Dribble Review

TACTICAL;  Zone  Defence- Protecting Dangerous Space

Activity 1: 

4 minutes   U Choose: Players in scattered formation well spread out; using their imaginations , players are instructed to cover as much space as they can while staying away from other players with the ball using a combination of the following movements and using small ‘quick feet’ steps; jogging, skipping, side steps,  cross steps, hopping, quick changes of direction, high knees with trunk twists, shuffle steps while touching the ground

Activity 2

6 minutes   Line Tag:   *   

i)   5 or 6 players line up side by side in close formation. One player (D) is designated as the chaser and another player (A) is being chased by D. A runs around the line of players to avoid being tagged by D.  

ii)  The players in the line randomly take a step sideways to create breaks in their line. The chase continues and A and D use the gaps in the line to deceive each other. The line players can create different gaps at any time. Change the roles of all players frequently. (This game can also be used to develop dribbling skills )             

Line Tag Diagram

Activity 3 

Review of Straight and Tap Dribble

i)  5minutes  With players in a semi circle, the instructor reviews the correct grip, stick, ball, and body position for the Straight and Tap dribble and the 6 and 12 stick positions for changing pace when dribbling. The instructor should ensure that players can all demonstrate correct technique, especially the action of the left wrist.)

ii)  8 minutes  Players are placed in shuttle formation 10 yards apart( there should be no more than 4 players per line). Each shuttle line has one ball; Using straight dribbles and tap dribbles, the first player in each line carries the ball around the cones to the first player at the other end of the shuttle, who carries the ball back to the starting point to the waiting players. Randomly, the instructor directs the players to slow down, pause, speed up and use straight or tap dribbles throughout the activity.

Activity 4

Indian Dribbling

i) 8 minutes    With players standing in a  semi circle, a stick length away from each other, standing with their feet should width apart, the instructor demonstrates  how to contact the ball at the 3 and 9 positions. Players practice dragging the ball to the front of each foot while contacting at 3 and 6 while keeping the stick on the ball. Then the instructor demonstrates how to contact the ball at 5 and 7.

ii)   6 minutes  Players line up along a line and practice (at their own pace) dribbling the ball forward while contacting the ball at 5 and 7. Instructors MUST assist players who are having difficulty by ensuring the grip is correct.

iii)  6 minutes On Line Dribbling: Each player finds a place on a marked line 10 yards away from other players.

Each player puts their ball in front of them to the right of the line, and while moving forward attempt to move the ball back and forth across the line contacting the ball at 5 and 7 using a reverse stick dribble.

Activity 5  10 minutes Protect the Castles.   *   The playing area is divided into 3 zones. 4 attackers begin in zone 1, and by dribbling and passing, move the ball through each zone in order to hit one of the 4 cones in zone 3. The attackers are faced by 1 defender in each of zones 1, 2, and 3. Once the ball passes zone 1, the Defender turns and runs to zone 3 to help guard the castles. The same rule applies to Defender 2. In zone 3 there are 4 castles to be protected by only 3 defenders. The defenders position themselves in a triangle (pyramid) formation in order to protect the castles. Once the attackers reach zone 3, the ball-carrier can take 1 step with the ball but cannot move forward. If the defenders intercept the ball in zone 3, they pass it immediately to one of their teammates positioned in the safe zones in zone 3 and score 1 point.. The attackers score a point if they hit a cone.

MAKE THIS ACTIVITY HARDER FOR A: decrease the number of attackers, make the space wider shorten the length of each zone, add another defender, decrease the number of castles. MAKE THIS ACTIVITY HARDER FOR D: make the space wider and longer; add more attackers, add more castles   



SIDE STEPS: the body moves left or right with the side of the body leading and the toes of the feet at right angles to the direction of travel; the steps should be short, weight is on the balls of the feet, primarily on the leading leg with the trailing foot touching the ground and quickly pushing off. The feet should be close to the ground during sidesteps

SKIPPING :is a series of step hops done with alternate feet. Teach skipping by having learners step and then  hop on the same foot and then step and hop on the other foot swing arms to shoulder height in opposition with the feet, skip on the balls of the feet, keep movements smooth, speed and distance  are not important, transfer weight from one foot to the other while doing the hop, step-hop, swing smoothly

CROSS STEPS (karaoke): Also known as Grapevine Steps; the body moves sideways while the trailing leg crosses in front and then behind the leading leg. When using cross steps to channel the ball carrier, the defender move the trailing leg in front of the leading leg . The feet should stay to the ground with the weight on the balls of the feet and the knees slightly bent.

PIVOT: one foot is in contact with the ground with the knee of that leg bent; the weight is on the ball of the foot. The other leg is bent with the weight on the ball of the foot and moves in a circle so that the body rotates around the support leg. Players should be able to pivot forwards or backwards, in both directions

SHUFFLE: the feet move in the following sequence-right, left, right; left, right left, the weight is on the balls of the feet with the knees slightly bent; the feet move quickly with short steps and the back foot never passes the front foot; the feet stay close to the ground

HIGH KNEES: Players run on the balls of their feet flexing their hips and bending their knees so that their knees come to hip level. This dynamic stretching activity can be made more difficult with upper twisting. It is also helpful to have the players hold their sticks in front of them, with extended arms, at waist level, and attempt to contact the stick with their knees.


Straight Dribble: (Silent Dribble): Stick should be held on the right side of the body (roughly in line with right foot): ball stays in contact with stick the entire time; the ball should be far enough out in front so that player can look up and still see the ball ; Ball remains on flat-side of stick.

Stick and body position: Stick is out in front of body, away from feet and just slightly to the right with the head of the stick touching the ground. Stick is angled at 45° to the ground.. The left arm is extended out and away from the body with the back of the left hand leading forward in the intended direction of movement. The right hand remains midway on the shaft of the stick but with a relaxed grip. Knees are slightly bent and head looks up often and faces forward for clear vision of the field

In action: Move forward while pushing the ball along on the stick. Players will need to use good footwork to readjust their body position, feet and stick to remain behind ball. Make sure the player is not trying to carry the ball too far to the side. The ball is kept in front and just slightly off the right foot to allow for a strong, protective stance on the ball and the quick ability to change direction while maintaining control of the ball. Stick angle should be kept at 45° to the floor with left hand away from body

Tap Dribble: From the Straight Dribble, the right hand lightly extends, pushing the ball away from the stick. The player taps the ball forward and runs onto it.

Indian Dribble: Standard grip; body in the basic stance; stick and ball in front of the body with the toe of the stick extending away from the body; the stick is at the  3o’clock position on the ball; the left hand rotates and the right guides the stick as the stick passes over the ball to contact the ball at the 9 o’clock position; body weight is transferred from right to left and left to right as the ball moves left and right. The stick should stay in contact with the ball. Encourage players to try and look up. To move forward with the ball, the player should use small, short, steps and contact the ball at the 5 and 7 o’clock positions moving the ball in a zig zag pattern as it moves diagonally forward to the left and right..

It is important that the right hand remains loose and does not turn over when the stick moves to the left of the ball.


Zone Defence: Defending Dangerous Space: zone defence is a type of team defence in which players are responsible for protecting space instead of marking players. In zone defence, defensive players react to the movement of the ball instead of the movement of players. Most defensive systems are based on a triangular structure in which on defender ‘points’ the triangle and the other players form the base of the triangle. As the attackers move the ball around, the defenders have to continually shift their positions and retain their triangle in order to protect all of the cones. In the Castle game, the defenders in zone 1 and 2, have to hurry back and help the defender in zone 3. This is a very common situation in all team games, including hockey.


LTAD Stage Fundamentals Learning to Train Training to Train Training to Compete Training to Win
Core Skills Passing and Receiving Scoring Individual Defence Ball Control Off- Ball Movement Team Defence
Influencers Using Space/Time Vision Controlling Speed/Tempo Understanding/Taking Risk Communication

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