Areas of the Game Attacking Defending Transition Set Plays Goalkeeping

FUNSTIX - Lesson 10

THEMES; FMS: walking, jogging, skipping, or shuffle steps, feints, agility, balance

TECHNICAL; application of all skills during game play

TACTICAL: Offensive: Supporting the Ball Carrier Using Width and Advancement; Defensive: Blocking Dangerous Space

FMS: sprint, locomotor movements, changing direction, agility,

TECHNICAL:  Review Passing and Receiving.

THEMES; FMS: walking, jogging, skipping, or shuffle steps, feints, agility, balance

TECHNICAL; application of all skills during game play

TACTICAL: Offensive: Supporting the Ball Carrier Using Width and Advancement; Defensive: Blocking Dangerous Space

Activity 1  

 6 minutes   Lose your Shadow: Using walking, jogging, skipping, or shuffle steps, in pairs, one player is the leader, one is the follower; follower begins 5 yards away from leader and  tries to stay 5 yards away at all times; leader uses feints and directional changes, to try and get more than 5 yards away from the follower. Players should move around in the entire  playing space but stay away  from other pairs during the activity.

Activity 2

5 minutes   ‘Is That You Statue’?    Identify 2 players to be it. The players move around the playing area using the locomotor pattern prescribed by the instructor. To avoid being tagged the players must freeze in a balanced position (like a statue). Change the ‘it’ players and the locomotor movements frequently. HARDER for the taggers-make the space bigger.

Activity 3

i) 6 minutes  Hockey Snakes   *  Each player with a stick  and a ball; Assign players in lines of 3 to five equal size players, with 5 yards between each player. Players move in and around a 25 yard square going in a variety of directions, following the first person in the line who chooses the locomotor movements that the other must follow. The last person in each line sprints in and out of the other players while dribbling the ball and assumes the role of the leader.

ii) 10 minutes   *    Coyotes and the Hockey Hens

Play this game without hockey balls and sticks. Players are assigned the following roles: 1 wild cat (in pinnies), 5 Hockey Hens. All of the hens are lined up along one end line of an area 20 yards square rolling a hockey ball (or passing gator ball, bean bag, or rubber chicken) amongst each other. Their goal is to get the ball across the other line where the Coyote is lurking. When the instructor calls ‘here comes the Coyote’ the hens move into the square and pass the ball amongst each other so that the coyote can’t get the ball. The hen with the ball can only take one step. Instructors should encourage the hens without the ball to provide safe passing choices by being ahead of, beside, and behind the hen with the ball (A1) If the Coyote tags the ball carrier, that player puts on a pinnie and becomes another Coyote. When all of the hens have been tagged, select a new Coyote.

MAKE THIS ACTIVITY HARDER for the Hens: make the space smaller; use slower locomotor actions, start with more Coyotes

MAKE THIS ACTIVITY HARDER for the Coyotes: make the space bigger; use slower locomotor actions; decrease the number of Coyotes

iii) 10 minutes   Touch Down Hockey   *    play this game first without sticks and hockey balls

5 aside game: 3 players from each team play 3 on 3 with in the boundaries; 1 player from each team plays across the goal line in the touchdown zone (see diagram); another player from each team plays outside of the sideline, one on each side of the field. In order to score a touchdown, during each possession the ball has to be passed first to the sideline player and eventually to the  player in the touchdown zone who then has to pass the ball to another player on their team who has run into the touch down zone. The player with the ball can only take 1 step. The non possession team tries to prevent the sideline pass and also block the pass to the player in the touch down zone. The sideline players can move up and down the sideline but they cannot pass the ball to the touchdown player. Change player roles frequently.

Touchdown Hockey

10 minutes  Touch Down Hockey   *   with sticks and a hockey ball

MAKE THIS ACTIVITY HARDER for the attackers: make the space smaller; add more defenders; make the touch down zone smaller MAKE THIS ACTIVITY HARDER for the defenders: make the space wider; add more attackers on the field, on the sideline, and in the end zone



SIDE STEPS: the body moves left or right with the side of the body leading and the toes of the feet at right angles to the direction of travel; the steps should be short, weight is on the balls of the feet, primarily on the leading leg with the trailing foot touching the ground and quickly pushing off. The feet should be close to the ground during sidesteps. 

SKIPPING :  a series of step hops done with alternate feet. Teach skipping by having learners step then hop on the same foot and then step and hop on the other foot swing arms to shoulder height in opposition with the feet, skip on the balls of the feet, keep movements smooth, speed and distance are not important, transfer weight from one foot to the other while doing the hop, step-hop, swing smoothly. 

CROSS STEPS (karaoke): Also known as Grapevine Steps; the body moves sideways while the trailing leg crosses in front and then behind the leading leg. When using cross steps to channel the ball carrier, the defender move the trailing leg in front of the leading leg . The feet should stay to the ground with the weight on the balls of the feet and the knees slightly bent.

PIVOT: one foot is in contact with the ground with the knee of that leg bent; the weight is on the ball of the foot. The other leg is bent with the weight on the ball of the foot and moves in a circle so that the body rotates around the support leg. Players should be able to pivot forwards or backwards, in both directions. 

SHUFFLE: the feet move in the following sequence-right, left, right; left, right left, the weight is on the balls of the feet with the knees slightly bent; the feet move quickly with short steps and the back foot never passes the front foot; the feet stay close to the ground. 

HIGH KNEES: Players run on the balls of their feet flexing their hips and bending their knees so that their knees come to hip level. This dynamic stretching activity can be made more difficult with upper twisting. It is also helpful to have the players hold their sticks in front of them, with extended arms, at waist level, and attempt to contact the stick with their knees. 

CATCHING : (to make catching easier, increase the size of the ball)

Arms relaxed at the sides with forearms in front of the body; players should reach for the ball,  place their  hands on sides of  the ball, bend their arms and bring the ball towards their chest, watching the ball right into their hands. Encourage players to take a step back and bring their elbows towards their chest to help absorb the force of the ball

OVERHAND THROWING (to make throwing easier, decrease the size of the ball) The non - throwing side faces the target; swing the throwing arm out to the side and backwards bringing the arm with the ball behind the ear, keeping the elbow out; twist the body towards the arm that is holding the ball, keep the other arm raised for balance; extend the throwing arm forward and point the  thumb towards the ground while stepping  forward with the weight on the foot that is closer to the target; twist the body

towards that leg as the ball is released


TECHNICAL: when changing direction (swerving) while dribbling, it is important for the feet to be behind the ball; when using the Straight dribble and turning to the right the players need to move their bodies a bit to the left and straighten their left arm so that the handle of the stick moves to a more horizontal position making it easier for the player to turn to their right and keep the ball on the strong side.


 Principles of Attack: A1 uses and creates space by carrying the ball, or passing the ball into spaces forward, behind and beside them off ball members of the possession team must  continually move to provide and use space ahead, beside and behind the ball carrier.


Principles of Defence: D1 (the defender closest to the ball carrier) pressures the ball carrier  by channeling or block tackling. The other members of the non possession team block dangerous spaces behind the pressuring defender  and in front of the goal and stay  goal side of their checks. 



LTAD Stage Fundamentals Learning to Train Training to Train Training to Compete Training to Win
Core Skills Passing and Receiving Scoring Individual Defence Ball Control Off- Ball Movement Team Defence
Influencers Using Space/Time Vision Controlling Speed/Tempo Understanding/Taking Risk Communication

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