Areas of the Game Attacking Defending Transition Set Plays Goalkeeping

1-on-1 Defensive Grid




SPACE 10m x 10m


  • Defender (O) starts with a ball and carries it to a spot on the side of the grid (can be left or right side, high or low - you can designate). O stops and controls the ball.
  • As soon as O has stopped the ball, attacker (X1) starts and carries the ball into the grid, trying to eliminate and possess the ball through the back end of the grid.
  • O turns attention from stopping the original ball he was carrying, and react to the movement of X1.
  • O closes distance, pressures X1 and tries to tackle before X1 carries ball through back of grid.
  • When O gains possession, he looks for outlet pass to either X2 or X3. 


  • To change angle of defensive pressure, have O start by controlling the ball at different points on the grid. This will force him to recover to pressure from different angles.
  • Can start by having a target gate/goal 15 yards away on either side for O to hit through to initiate play (instead of stopping ball on grid side.


  • To change angle of defensive pressure, have O start by controlling the ball at different points on the grid. This will force him to recover to pressure from different angles.
  • Can start by having a target gate/goal 15 yards away on either side for O to hit through to initiate play (instead of stopping ball on grid side.


  • DEFENDING: Speed, Angle, Distance
  • SPEED: pressure as high up in grid as possible, as early as possible, to slow down the attacker
  • ANGLE: if playing straight up in a regular grid, pressure to forehand/strong side
  • DISTANCE: apply pressure at engaging distance (close enough to force ball carrier to put head down and focus on ball.
  • ATTACKING: Speed, Angle, Distance
  • SPEED/ANGLE: change of speed and direction at the same time will give the attacker a chance to eliminate the defender
  • DISTANCE: attempt to make elimination moves at the right distance from defender. Close enough that defender will engage, but not so close that defender can tackle. 


  • DEFENDING: footwork and mobility is critical. Defender should pick up the speed of the attacker, move with him, pressure and then watch for a mistake to decide when to tackle. Avoid planting feet and getting static.
  • ATTACKING: be creative with skills on the move. As well as a change of direction and speed, learn to control the ball in the air, using 3-D skills.


  • LTT: Start with one player at either end of grid and throw ball into middle. Players contest possession and try to get through the opposite end of grid in possession.
  • TTW/TTC: Set up grid in specific areas of field, which determines different angles of approach and risk-taking with the ball. Create target areas on one side/end of the grid for attacker to eliminate through and defender to protect. This allows defender to pressure/angle in a specific direction.


LTAD Stage Fundamentals Learning to Train Training to Train Training to Compete Training to Win
Core Skills Passing and Receiving Scoring Individual Defence Ball Control Off- Ball Movement Team Defence
Influencers Using Space/Time Vision Controlling Speed/Tempo Understanding/Taking Risk Communication

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